between my freelance jobingtons and my full-time stint as a legal assistantress, i feel like all i've done lately is work. i do enjoy money. i do not enjoy blood-shot eyes and the feeling that the world has ceased to exist outside of my computer screen. it gives me a permanent and most unbecoming deer-in-the-headlights look whenever i do have the chance to pull my head away from the world of the interwebs and legal assistantship.
BUT HERE'S THE THING YOU SHOULD KNOW. i have accepted an offer to travel to london next spring with my cousin. this is in fact true. and my heart leaps up (name the reference, lit geeks) whene'er i think upon it. le sigh. there will also in all likelihood be a stopover in paris beforehand, depending on how early the people i'm traveling with want to go before the wedding they have to attend.
so even though my life revolves around a lifeless computer screen for the moment, i take heart in the fact that it is in pursuit of the one thing i love most in this world to behold: the sun setting over the houses of parliament and the clock tower as i'm standing on the bridge overlooking the thames, surrounded by a bustling, historic, crazy, endearing city. i give the above as visual reference. gets us through the days, you know?