
le petit prince.

Cubance had their ultrasound last Friday to find out the gender of the baby and...

Drumroll, please.

I made this little announcement for their blog, where you can get more details, ultrasound pics, the works.

(I'm just a little excited, can you tell?)


sisterly affection.

Given a tv show or two we've recently become addicted to (not to mention the various book characters), this illustrates me and Cara nicely:

too much happiness.

Reasons why this week is great:

1. Clara finds out what they're having on FRIDAY. (Boy? Girl? Alien quadruped? Who knows! It's all part of the mystery. Aren't babies FUN.)

2. We get to Skype with The Precious Young Man on Sunday. So not only do we get to talk to TPYM, we get to see him. The insanity of this preciousness blows your mind, I know.

Oh, and I believe it's also Christmas. So there's that to add to it all.

Carry on.


the precious young man strikes again.

Letter from Derek yesterday, a snippet:

"I love writing to you! You're my sister but you're also one of my best friends."

Not only is this adorable in itself since Derek isn't the most expressive person in the world (wonder where he gets that ::::cough:::::), but he used "you're" correctly.

Ain't never been prouder.

a good man is hard to find.

I never thought I'd be put in a position of having to say MAN THE FREAK UP to every guy I encounter in some sort of relationship situation. But then again, I also never thought I'd be subjected to country Christmas music at work, so there you are. I know those two points alone make you think my life has no redeeming value whatsoever. I agree. I deal.

So the way I see it I have two options before me:

Option A (preferred): Star as Jason Schwartzman's love interest in a Wes Anderson film.

Option B (also viable): Take my guns and my dog (wolf hybrid named Laska) and retreat to the solitude of a one-room cabin on a far away piney mountain.

Decisions, decisions.

But the truth is, there are zero men to be found anywhere. (Bitter-esque rant: Ambivalent lazy cry babies abound, though. I'm tempted to make a highly scientific study of this. But...no.) They just don't make 'em like Ron Swanson anymore. ("He’s a conservative libertarian who loves woodworking, breakfast foods, hunting, and fishing, and he keeps a sawed off shotgun in his desk." Yup.)

What's a girl to do.
Go cry, emo kid, go cry.


not to be like, obsessed and stuff.


David Tennant as Doctor Who. (Matt Smith WHO?? And Rose Tyler forever, P.S.)
