

I just love automated messages. I got one today that said "i-am-robot-do-not-respond." I sent one back saying "i-am-human-too-bad." My favorite automated messages are from BYU Financial Services that say "any response to this email will not be read or seen by a human." Scary. And funny.

And finally I just want to say that I love my baby brother. He is absolutely darling, and at 16, promises to be a major stud. He may be taller than me but he will always be my little Buddy. Today he sent me a text saying that the counseling center at his high school spelled "cafeteria" wrong. They spelled it "cafiteria." Only a brother of mine would catch that and send me a text bemoaning its existence. I love him so much. He takes care of me and is my best friend.


JeSs said...

I agree. He is pretty darn cute! I loved how he was gene's Bud all week we were there! I miss you guys already! We are staying there again at the end of the month for the 50th Anniversary! See ya soon! LOVES!

Cara & Clarence Jessop said...

Haha aw, bud is cute. Copper Hills really needs to get it together, it's kind of unfortunate.