
mine eyes are burning: and other tales.

Lately when I've woken up my eyes are impossibly red and hurty. It feels like tired but with a hint of corneal infection. No idea. One other possibility is the cold weather. Pretty much as soon as November hit it feels like we were thrust into the Arctic tundra and my body's still reeling from the shock of it. Skin and hair getting dry, sensitive eyes red-rimmed and watery, and the edges of a cold taunting but never fully revealing itself. A week or so ago I felt my annual sinus infection coming on and headed home early from work. Two Emergen-C's, a Theraflu, and 19 hours of sleep later, crisis averted. I was pretty proud of myself. Very much not ready for winter. I feel like I can skip the next few months. Bears sure have something in this hibernation thing I hear they do. Because I'm too cheap to turn on the heat, a typical winter morning for me goes something like this: Wake up. Stick arm out of toasty blanket pile to discern level of imminent pain once I venture out. Icicles form on arm. Retract arm into blanket safety. Take a deep breath. Throw off covers while simultaneously taking off clothes to dive into shower. Turn on delicious hot water. Next there's denial, bargaining, and finally acceptance. Must leave shower.

Le sigh. Let us now speak of something that is foremost on my mind, and that's the fact that never in all the days of the Galactic Standard Calendar did I think I'd be dating someone who has blond hair. I know you are all up in arms over this as much as I am. I guess the joke's on me. Let me explain, I guess. I used to make fun of Cara for liking Quinn from The Used. Or any other light-haired guy. I've always been a brown hair/brown eyes kind of girl. Cara can attest to the level of my disgust over anything else. But within the last year I've had a mighty change of heart. It started with Thor, continued with Eric Northman, and found its summation in Jax Teller. (Fully aware that I sound like a ridiculous teenager right now, thanks. "There's a difference between like and love. Because, I like my Skechers, but I love my Prada backpack." RITE??) For a long time I questioned myself and my place in the universe. And now, months later, here is this new Eric. Blond hair, blue eyes. And I'm telling you, the view is great from where I'm standing. Yeah, total mindblow. Just goes to show you never know who's right for you, and limiting yourself to only people who look a certain way is probably the most ridiculous thing ever. /end soapbox.

What else should we talk about? I feel like I've been absent from the blogging world for too long to really know what to say to you people. Hm. Do you like...cheese?



Rachel, I LOVE your posts. They are awesome. And your whole ritual of getting up in the morning.....died of laughter!

Cara & Clarence Jessop said...

yaaay she's back! finally I can have some real entertainment in my life. yeah I was pretty much rofling during the first part of this post, and then grinning from year to year in the second part. Go viking! yeah biceps!