

I'm pouting because fall is my favorite season and we had only about 3 1/2 days of real fall weather. How can I live somewhere that can go from beautiful fall colors and weather to frozen wasteland in one day. I give you the following as visual demonstration:

Now it takes me an extra 15 minutes in the morning to dig out my old-timey car (pictured here). I'm just not ready for the frozen wasteland that Utah becomes in the winter.

NOT ONLY THAT but I am also being subjected to the Yankees' presence once again in the World Series. Where's the Red Sox when you need 'em? Really though? Pout.


Janae said...


Love your old-timey car.

And I'm glad you finally admitted to the brief falls of Utah.

Last year's was a little longer. Sort of.


Cara & Clarence Jessop said...

I must be out of it but I thought this fall was awesome! I do live in the vortex of Provo though. It messes with your mind. Someday we'll have to go back East and experience true fall.

Rachel said...

It's definitely been a trickster fall. The weather this week is probably going to make me eat my own words but oh well. It won't lessen my enjoyment of it at all. :)

Anonymous said...

I diagree. This has been a fantastic fall. Today is November 11 and it is still warm and though the leaves are off the trees, it is still fall. No Rain, Snow or Sleet to complain about. See me in January (winter)