I'm one of those people that comes awake at night. No, not in a mistress-of-the-night, vampire way (weirdos), but more in a, hey-my-creative-energy-is-going-crazy-let's-go-bunjee-jump-off-a-bridge-and-then-paint-a-masterpiece-before-exploring-the-tunnels- running-under-Salt-Lake-City kind of way. Kind of.
But luckily I'm able to control most of my nighttime impulses and have found more acceptable ways of channeling this energy. These are pretty tame in comparison to what actually runs through my mind.
Thought: Fly to Paris and take a class in French pastry.
Action: Make my own version of mille feuille with puff pastry, custard, and nutella.
Thought: Write a novel.
Action: Write the beginnings and plot lines for hundreds of stories.
You get the idea.
Top Ten Tuesday: Favorite Things to Do After 10 pm.1. Bake Amish oatmeal while listening to A.A. Bondy.
2. Drive around on Bacchus with the windows down and the music up. Some high school habits never die.
3. Write the beginnings of stories. Fifty-six and counting...
4. Go star-gazing in the mountains.
5. Look for the "elf house" in Copperton.
6. Go to some late-night place after a show and let it all sink in.
7. Sit outside on my deck and listen to the river and the crickets.
8. Plan trips to exotic places that would cost tens of thousands of dollars.
9. Start reading a new book.
10. Oh and sleep. I do that, in addition.