Jane Eyre. Hence the squeeee. Yeah yeah yeah,
I've written about it before. Does not change the fact that Mr. Rochester's got it goin' on, yaknowwutimsayin. What is it about Gothic (not goth, judgers) romance that enthralls so many people? Spirits speaking to spirits, souls being destined for each other...exactly the kind of thing that in "real" life doesn't make the grade, or even a minor appearance. Or at least doesn't seem too. And that's one thing that I love about that book. Jane Eyre's character and personality make their relationship possible, because she not only believes in being guided by an unseen spiritual life that tells her "Yeah he's the one; see how he looks at you as if he knew your soul before it was written?" BUT she is equally guided by a grounded moral code of self-esteem and unbending ethics. Chyeah. She's my homegirl like that.
My realistic sense kicks into overdrive on these matters until I'm left staggering with how cavalierly I treat the topic of soul mates and how they're so unrealistic. But deep in the darkest recesses of my soul I hope and think
We are all a little weird and life's a little weird, and when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up and fall in mutual weirdness and call it love.My greatest hope is that I'll find someone who understands me--and lets me understand him--without trying. That's also my greatest fear.
I absolutely, 100% believe in soul mates. I believe that there was a pre-determined selection of the best human being for ourselves and vice versa. I believe I found mine. It didn't always seem that way, but we made it and I know you will, too, stumble upon your Mr. Right. Sometimes, it will happen when you least expect it. You are such a catch Rach!
Ma cherie! I want to see it again with you. I was thinking that I wanted to read it again for our Book Club, if you want. Or we can wait. But then we'd have an excuse to see the movie asap again.
Oh yeah, you're AWESOME! you blow my mind every day.
I believe in soul mates too. I am so lucky to have found mine. Now that doesn't mean we don't ever fight, cause we do. But I fully believe we are like peanut butter and jelly. You just cant have the one without the other. Or in terms you can relate to, work without Natalie ;)
I love your blog posts.
The sucky party of this is falling into weirdness with someone and then figuring out after the fact that your weirdness is not compatible. Yeah. sucky.
Jan: Thanks Janet!
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