
what the west nile virus?

Over the 24th weekend my family and I went camping at Lyman Lake in the Uintas. (Not Smith and Morehouse, as I was mislead to believe.) While we had fun four-wheeling our little hearts out, there were a basquillion mosquitos in, about, and around our campsite. As in, plagues of Egypt status. I deftly eluded them the first night and day, but on the second day they feasted on my flesh like it was the nectar of the gods.

I have over ten bites on my left ankle alone.

SO YEAH NOW NO ONE'S SURPRISED that I've developed symptoms of West Nile Virus. Yes, I am referring to the very virus I once dismissed as being a ruse.

For the past couple days I've been waking up with very bad headaches and have been extremely tired, sick to my stomach, and just not feeling well. Pretty sure I'm not pregnant so it had to be something else. The possibility of west nile clicked for me this morning when I found yet another bite on my elbow meat and I decided to do a little research. (I love research.)

Symptoms of West Nile Virus

Symptoms include fever, headache, tiredness, and body aches, occasionally with a skin rash (on the trunk of the body) and swollen lymph glands.

And I'm over here reading this just like

Le crap. I have all of these minus the rash.
Aaaand that's pretty much the end of the story. I so brilliantly didn't take any medicine this morning so now I'm sitting at work calculating whether I can afford to take the rest of the day off to take this party on home and fetal-position it in my bed. (I can't.)

I should be fine though, since I'm not a youngin' or an old'n, nor is it contagious (because that last part is what you were all really wondering about, right? Rite.) And that's why you always bathe in bug spray. Lesson learned.



West Nile huh? Welp, see you later! HAHAHAHAAH! You and your descriptions, priceless

Cara & Clarence Jessop said...

haha I just love your tags. You're so funny rach. Just the best.