
a quarter of a century.

Working in a law firm that deals mainly with divorce has given me a completely different perspective of marriage, and not necessarily a good one. One of the reasons that I was so shocked when I first started working there was because of the most awesome example of marriage that I've had my entire life--that of my parents. Honestly, seeing their example and that of both sets of grandparents has been the only thing keeping me committed to getting married someday.

I've seen what happens when a couple lets selfishness and worldly aspects of life become more important than keeping their family together through eternity. Luckily I never had to deal with that personally.

Today is my parents' 25th wedding anniversary. I want to say congratulations to them and how much I love them. They are my best friends and I am so grateful to have grown up with them as my parents. They've created a close-knit bunch of freaks, but we're each others' freaks, ya know?

I cannot wait for the day when I have my own family and can pass on all the traditions and happiness that my parents have given me. Love you, mom and dad!

(Look at my dad, all tan and Californian. And my mom, just a small town girl from Utah. Adorable!)


Caiti said...

oh your mom's hair!


Your parents are the cutest. Cute post.

Cara & Clarence Jessop said...

Love them!! Good job Rach.