
day 6: childhood memory.

This building on State Street just before South Temple used to house the Hansen Planetarium. My first time there was on a field trip in second grade. We ate our little lunches at Liberty Park (I remember drinking a Kool-Aid Squeezer) and then headed over to the planetarium. It totally blew my mind. When I first saw the space suit there was a little twinge in my heart and I knew this was a forever love. And that was before we even got into the planetarium itself for the star show.

The Hansen Planetarium was mysterious and old, kind of like space itself. The Clark Planetarium at the Gateway is cool and all, in a super-shiny, SPACE IS AWESOME DUDES kind of way, but Hansen will always hold a special place in my heart for first introducing me to space in its quiet yet compelling way.

Here is a photo, not mine, of how I remember it:

(Little did I know I'd be working in that big white building just behind it. Kinda crazy.)


Cara & Clarence Jessop said...

Wow, you have awesome memories. I remember going here too and thinking it was so cool. Is it still open to the public? If so, let's go. This weekend.

Rachel said...

Sadly Cub, the building is now owned by O.C. Tanner. Don't now if you can still go in randomly. They spent a TON of money on remodeling so I doubt much of the original interior still exists. Sadtin.

Michelle and Justin Cavender said...

Ditto. Although, my friend and I remember going there for the same star show and our creeper teacher kinda getting a little weird sitting behind us... long story. BUT! Still ditto.