
I love to see the temple.

Yesterday some of the group went to the London Temple. After a half-hour train ride to Lingfield, and one crazy taxi ride later, I was at my favorite place in the world. I've had a picture of the London Temple on my wall since I was 12. It was such an awesome day and I'm glad that I was able to get my recommend renewed right before leaving for London. We had the baptistry to ourselves, and the best part was that the endowed men from the group (meaning Jared, Carlos, and James) baptized everyone while two of the professors did the confirming. Afterwards, we ate lunch in the cafeteria, where I had the best tomato and cardamon soup, bread, and dessert :) I was so content and grateful for being able have such an amazing experience. Being there with everyone reaffirmed my belief in the importance of temples and living a temple-worthy life. I can't wait to go back to the temple when I go home.

Later that day we all just hung out and watched movies. I saw both Amazing Grace and The Queen for the first time; they were so good! So British and fantastic. I know I'm not going to be able to watch The Queen in the future without crying because it has so much of England in it that I love. Sigh. Love you all!


Cody said...

go temple!!! we'll have to go as a group and do baptisms. that would be fun.

Ashley said...

I think you're right that a permanent visit to London is in order. We'll have to figure this out.

Janae said...

Rachel, you are amazing.

And I miss you.

And I read all of your blogs.

And I had free prints from shutterfly and got some pics of you and us and you and Cara printed.

Love you.

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you guys went to the temple, I really think that's what makes your trip even that much more meaningful in a way. Oh yeah, the picture of you in front of the temple is my desktop picture. What can I say, I'm obsessed. I love you, my beautiful sister!