
I'm not out of it, just...tired.

There is something extremely revitalizing for me about going home. I don't know if it's because my soul delights in momentarily escaping the scene of drudgery that Provo has been for me these past three years, or if my family is just fantastically good at keeping me centered. Probably both. (Catching up on my sleep isn't too bad either.) That being said, though, it's nice to know I have a handful of people in either place that I love to be with and even better, can be my real self.

Yesterday in the car I was listening to The Shins, and one of their songs has a line that talks about "the thousand different versions of myself." The idea is just interesting to me, that we all become different people depending on the situation or who we're with--and not in a bad way, really. I would think that it's sometimes necessary. But what's important is that you always maintain a core of who you really are, which includes your morals, values, etc. This weekend has been somewhat of an eye-opener for me to what constitutes your "self" and how you view yourself.

In other news, Elder Dallin H. Oaks visited my parent's stake for stake conference, and it was really cool to be able to hear him speak only a few feet away. I thought it was nice of him to go around and shake everybody's hand and welcome them to conference. And because of the small numbers he was more candid and open, which was refreshing.

Something else I've been mulling over is how much I appreciate good people--sincere, honestly good people. Like my stake president at BYU, or the Phillipses. There are many more, but just think about the people you know who make no pretensions of being perfect and who just try to do their best, and you'll know what I'm talking about.

Hmmm...oh yeah, my MCR tix came in the mail this weekend, and I'm happy to say it's t-minus 3 1/2 weeks until I'll be rocking with Gerard and gang at Saltair. If I can only get through this week...

1 comment:

Cody said...

Love the shins! so hot right now. i get what you mean about going home. i go to my parents house every sunday and i love it. its nice to have a place where there are no expectations. you can just relax and vegetate in the company of people who love you.