
It's for fun.

I see some pretty random things on a day to day basis here; although I can't get it all, here are some highlights that don't make it into the everyday blog.

I took this one in Edinburgh; it reminded me of Derek :)

A performer by the Thames, which you can see behind him

The building where they film London Ink is a two-minute walk from the Centre down this random road. We were walking back from dinner one night and I saw them filming and stopped dead in my tracks and said, "No way!" It just surprised me, I guess. So watch the show some time and know that I'm just around the corner ;)

Okay, so this one isn't as random, but I promised Cara I would post the picture of the Scottish Parliament. This is the room where we watched the First Minister's Questions.

For the piece de resistance...lol. Belly shirt guy! I don't take credit for this picture, which is Makayla's, but I was standing next to her on the Tube when she took it. Yeah, I don't know. European thing?


Luke Carter said...

Hahahaa good stuff. Very entertaining to read

When I opened the page I originally thought it was a terrorist blog with that picture, until I scrolled down, with great relief I might add!


Cody said...

i have a belly shirt, but mine has holes that i cut out in the nipple area.

Rachel said...

Oh yeah? I felt his shirt was missing something. Looks like you've pinpointed it.

Anonymous said...

meh, he's european, so isn't that expected? Cody has no excuse though, sorry.