
top ten tuesday: books to read.

So I'm still working on that "more intense" top ten list; it's taking longer than I thought it would. Aaaaand I might have been not exactly working on it too much. But that's ok since I still have a list for ya'll today. Here are the top ten books that I want to read right now.

Top Ten Tuesday: Books I Want to Read

1. Inside Delta Force: The Story of America’s Elite Counterterrorist Unit, Eric Haney
2. The Winter of Our Discontent, John Steinbeck
3. The Fabric of the Cosmos, Brian Greene
4. Angle of Repose, Wallace Stegner
5. The Fist of God, Frederick Forsyth
6. Caravan, Dorothy Gilman
7. The Map of Time, Felix J. Palma
8. The Blind Assassin, Margaret Atwood
9. Parrot and Olivier in America, Peter Carey
10. A Pair of Blue Eyes, Thomas Hardy

There you have it. Even though it's summer, this overcast, humid weather makes me want to commence hibernation and read all of these in a week. But I gotta like, ya know, do things with my life.



Ya, how is your reading going?

Cara & Clarence Jessop said...

Helllllo book club! All of these sound awesome. Which one are we going to read first?

Sarah C. said...

Don't worry that I've read Fabric of the Cosmos. Amazing. Lengthy and mind hurty, but amazing. You keep being my soul mate and it keeps creeping me out/making me insanely happy. There it is.