
top ten tuesday: jobs.

When I was growing up I thought that college was this magical place that ultimately would result in me being given my dream job. Fast forward fifteen years later aaannnd...let's just...not. Oh the dreams of youth.

Top Ten Tuesday: Jobs I Dreamed of Having When I Was Younger

1. Marine biologist
2. Actress
3. Astronaut (Still very much want. The tears that well up at the mention of space...)
4. Concert pianist
5. Veterinarian
6. Writer (le sigh)
7. Photographer
8. Architect
9. Museum person (That's what I called it then. I thought they lived in the museum. Now I know they're called docents. And have respectable housing outside the museum grounds.)
10. Forest ranger (No comment.)


Cara & Clarence Jessop said...

All of these sound awesome. What about delicious baker of pastry treats?


Hey, you were one awesome little girl. The only thing I can remember wanting to be is in the army? YA! I know, what the?

Sarah C. said...

Ummm...do I need to mention that space makes me well up as well?! Holy smokes. We are meant for each other.