
Getting all inspired and...stuff.

Today there was a deer on campus. Most likely by accident, I'm thinking. It's not like Cecil was there with a lead rope saying, "Isn't BYU great? We have deer." Nowai. I was sorely tempted to give her my apple, but then I remembered that the apple was organic and I was excited to eat it and that the deer would probably take a chunk out of my arm as thanks. "Thanks for the apple."Chomp! Or stamp me with her hooves. Deer have no tact, I swear. Not even if you were to give them your organic apple. Either way, the apple remained in my backpack with my strawberry SoyJoy, and the deer meandered its way through campus.

Lately I've been spending more time reading books than doing homework. It's not completely terrible, honest. I'm operating on minimum efficiency, and that's fine by me. I've finished three books since Saturday, but my booklust cannot be satiated. Like cleaning and running away, reading is my way of avoiding unpleasant things. My rational side has been shunted to a dark corner of my brain and is summarily trotted out for things like "class" and "social interaction." I have yet to realize the consequences, good or bad, of my situation, but I'm enjoying it while I can. Maybe someone can convince me of the benefits of accepting responsibility? I would have gladly accepted responsibility in my youth (last week), but since nothing came about, I was left to my own devices. Now I have three (four?) more books under my belt and even less of an ability to interact with people. Go me!

1 comment:

Cara & Clarence Jessop said...

So I think anything that involves a deer + Cecil = causes Cara to not just LQTH, but to ROFL.