
Seeing stars.

Today before I fell asleep for a Sunday nap I saw little blue stars in the air in front of me. It was really weird. So I took a three hour nap and I woke up really refreshed and thinking clearly.

This Christmas break so far has been really restful--my body cannot get enough sleep, it seems. I need to take better care of myself this next semester, especially since it's my last. Speaking of graduating, I found out some good news today: I might graduate summa cum laude. At the very least cum laude. It's kinda nice to know that all my hard work during college will pay off in something as intangible as saying I graduated with honors. Okay it's more than kinda nice. :)

Oh yeah, I have two album recommendations. They're both folk, so if you're not into it I'm sorry, these probably aren't for you. The first one is Ferraby Lionheart. His Catch the Brass Ring is great, but I prefer his EP. How I would describe his music is the feeling of being alive again after realizing you've been dead for awhile. The other album is Peter Sarstedt's The Lost Album. Pure, unadulterated modern folk. Loves to all and I hope your holiday season is restful and full of love.


Cody said...

congrats on the honors thing. thats friggen awesome!

Janae said...

Why are you so dang smart? Not fair. Congratulations darling.

I can't get enough sleep either this break. It's nice not to have puffy eyes or feel sleepy!! Amazing.

You'll have to hook me up with the albums.

Cara & Clarence Jessop said...

Who are these delicious new folk bands for me to devour? details.