
the graduate.

Today was Derek's big day: He graduated from high school AND got his mission call within hours of each other. This membrane doth be insane, ya'll. Graduation was fun though with everyone. It brought back so many memories of my own graduation just six years ago, and how I got to "walk down the aisle" during the processional/recessional with my middle/high school crush, a Mr. C. Anderson. Yup. It was completely random and everything, how we lined up to walk in. When we linked arms to walk down together he was all, Hey Rach, and I was all, "Hey." How I was inside: afjnasdufadjfnjk!!knsafdkn!. Or some approximation. He was so handsome.

Anyway. Back to Derek. I am tired so here are just a few pics from graduation. I'll post mission-call-opening ones later.

1. Me, Derek, Cara, Clarence, Grandma and Grandpa Spohn.
2. Derek and cutest Abby.
3. Me and Cub.
4. Me and Bud.
5. Derek, Dad, and Mom.
6. We went to P.F. Chang's afterward, and this was my mini Great Wall of Chocolate dessert. Yum!


Cara & Clarence Jessop said...

Most awesome day ever. One for the books.


You have the cutest family. Glad you finally posted pictures. I think your bro and my bro would get along. They are both so awesome!