
top ten tuesday: summer.

Happy first day of summer! Although the weather here has yet to get the memo regarding the situation, I'm still excited for the season. I'm not one to enjoy sweating, but Utah's good about giving us all four seasons, and I like it. While by no means comprehensive, here is my top ten list of favorite things about summer.

Top Ten Tuesday: Summer.

1. Buying fruit from the farmer's market by my house.
2. Long drives, windows down, music turned up, while wearing sunglasses.
3. Baseball.
4. Obnoxiously bright toenails.
5. Swimming all day, and the accompanying exhaustion leading to the best nap of your life.
6. Camping, hiking, and boating my little heart out.
7. How it stays light outside until 9 pm.
8. Delicious grilled food, i.e. meats.
9. More acceptability to wear casual clothes to church and work. Just being able to wear less clothes in general.
10. No taking your life into your hands by driving in snow or ice.



i love summertime too. only if it stayed longer and the winters were shorter.

Cara & Clarence Jessop said...

yeah farmer's market!!!