
thanks, debbie downeress.

On Memorial Day I went with my parents to see Source Code. Mostly because (1) my life is insanely wild and crazy and we just do things like that, and also mostly because (hint: the real reason) (2) I don't feel comfortable turning down the opportunity to see a movie that has the camera trained on Jake Gyllenhaal for 99% of the movie. Ya just don't.

So we had gotten our tix and were making our way to the viewing station. I gave my ticket to the ticket-taking slave and he says, "Source Code--it was good until the last ten minutes."

He just looked at me and backed away just then since I was all

Who. Even. Says. That.


Cara & Clarence Jessop said...


Janae said...

Wow it's like, "Hey kids, come apply at the movie theater if you love to spoil movies for people!" What the