
5-step DIY cake stand.

In one of my last posts I mentioned that I found a green bowl and plate that I planned on turning into a cake stand. Well tonight's the night. I finally bought some super glue (the famous E-6000) and made the stand. It's such a great shade of green and really pops against my white counter tops.

Here is a short tutorial, because really, there's not much to it.

The tools you will need (there are a total of 3:

(1) A sturdy bowl or cup that is proportional to your (2) plate. Dessert plates and those with minimal sloping on the edges work best, especially if you intend to use it for larger cakes. And finally, (3) a silicon-based or waterproof super glue. E-6000 does the trick for me, but you can choose any glue as long as it will withstand being washed many times.


1. Clean and dry the plate and bowl thoroughly.

2. Place the bowl or cup upside down on a flat surface.

3. On the bottom of the bowl/cup you are using for the stand portion, line the rim with a layer of the glue as it sits upside down on the counter top.

4. Place the plate right side up on top of the bowl or cup, making sure the area surrounding it is equal on all sides. At this point the cake stand will be in a finished position, right side up.

5. Let the cake stand dry for a full 24 hours before moving or placing objects on it.

And that's it! How does $2.00 and 5 minutes for a unique and beautiful cake stand sound? Now to bake something pretty to go on top of it...

1 comment:


I LOVE it. You are so crafty....teach me.