
I cut hair now, I guess.

So Sunday night I cut Josie's hair between the hours 11 PM and 1 AM. What started out as simple layers around the face turned into an extravaganza of five inches whacked off, volumizing and more layers. Whew. I was nervous. But it turned out absolutely darling and I'm so thankful she liked it. Here are some pics of the final product:

Keep in mind that her hair used to be to the middle of her back; this was no small decision, haha. So cheers to Josie's adventurous spirit and trusting me with her hair. Woot! The only bad thing is everyone is asking me now to cut their hair :/ Help!


Anonymous said...

You don't know me but I randomly found your blog one day and subscribed to it. Anyways I find it pretty funny because I went to the same high school as her and I did cross country with her my freshman year.

Also since I've never commented before I'll tell you that I enjoy your pictures, you've been posting from England.

Anonymous said...

It's true, Rachel possesses every talent known to man.